• Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017

    Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017


Microplastics: minuscule particles with big consequences?

S. Knoll, A. Decostere and A. M. Declercq

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 203-212

Potential welfare issues of the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) at the retailer and in the hobbyist aquarium

C. C. F. Pleeging and C. P. H. Moons

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 213-223

Effects of training on equine muscle physiology and muscle adaptations in response to different training approaches

R. Vermeulen, C. de Meeûs, L. Plancke, B. Boshuizen, M. de Bruijn and C. Delesalle

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 224-230

Case Report

Titanium mesh reconstruction of a dog’s cranium after multilobular osteochondrosarcoma resection

A. Dierckx de Casterlé, B. Van Goethem, A. Kitshoff, S. F. M. Bhatti, I. Gielen and T. Bosmans

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 232-240

Pheochromocytoma in a horse with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

A. Dufourni, D. De Clercq, L. Vera, B. Broux, L. Lefère, L. Bosseler and H. Versnaeyen

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 241-249

Waarschijnlijkheidsdiagnose van spontane hypothyreoïdie bij een volwassen kat

H. De Bosschere, E. Kindermans, E. Buelens and N Gantois

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 250-255

Question & Answer

F. Boyen, S. Marynissen, P. Smets and S. Daminet

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 266-268

Continuing education

Biomechanische aspecten met betrekking tot hoefbeslag bij paarden

F. Pille

2017-08-28 Volume 86 • Issue 4 • 2017 • 256-265