• Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014

    Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21825/vdt.issue.24139

Case Report

Diagnosis and ultrasound-guided retrieval of a vaginal foreign body in a dog and a cat

L. Gatel, G. Gory, B. De Pauw and D. N. Rault

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 55-59

Pulmonary edema as a postoperative complication in two obese patients (a horse and a dog)

S. Melis, S. Schauvliege, T. Bosmans, F. Gatshuys and I. Polis

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 60-65

Treatment of a large thoracic wall tumor in a dog

S. Debevere, I. Van De Maele, M. De Ridder, T. Waelbers, I. Gielen, H. de Rooster and B. Van Goethem

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 66-72

Paraganglioma of a presumed celiac ganglion in a dog

L. Couturier, P. Guillaumot, J. Duboy and G. Gory

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 73-77

Veterinary Past

The library of the first veterinary students (France, 18th century): Part 2: from Bourgelat and Lafosse to the explosive development of agricultural and veterinary knowledge in the early 19th century

P. E. J. Bols and H. F. M. De porte

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 81-88

The library of the first veterinary students (France, 18th century): Part 2: from Bourgelat and Lafosse to the explosive development of agricultural and veterinary knowledge in the early 19th century

P. E. J. Bols and H. F. M. De porte

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 81-88

Question & Answer

Vraag & Antwoord

B. Pardon, C. Sarre and E. Claerebout

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 97-102

Continuing education

Elleboogaandoeningen bij de volwassen hond

B. Van Ryssen

2014-04-29 Volume 83 • Issue 2 • 2014 • 91-96