• Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013

    Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013

Theme: impact of mycotoxins on animal health

Overview of the most important mycotoxins for the pig and poultry husbandry

M. Devreese, P. De Backer and S. Croubels

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 171-180

Different methods to counteract mycotoxin production and its impact on animal health

M. Devreese, P. De Backer and S. Croubels

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 181-190


Negative pressure wound therapy to promote wound healing in companion animals

A. L. Spillebeen, M. Or, B. Van Goethem and H. de Rooster

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 191-200

Tail docking in lambs: tail characteristics, (contra)indications, legislation and alternative management measures

B. Driessen, E. Peeters, J. Van Thielen and S. Van Beirendonck

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 201-208

Case Report

Traumatic atlanto-occipital subluxation and cranial cervical block vertebrae in a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

E. Fraga-Manteiga, K. Eatwell, S. Smith, E. Mancinelli and T. Schwarz

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 211-215

Fragmented coronoid process of the elbow in a 10-year-old Belgian shepherd dog

C. Briels, J. Saunders, K. Vermote, I. Polis and B. Van Ryssen

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 217-223

Question & Answer

Vraag & Antwoord

P. Boyen, Y. Samoy and I. Polis

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 234-237

Continuing education

Tenosynovitis van de sesamschede bij het paard: diagnostiek en behandeling

F. Pille

2013-08-29 Volume 82 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 225-233