Different methods to counteract mycotoxin production and its impact on animal health
- M. Devreese
- P. De Backer
- S. Croubels
Mycotoxins can cause serious adverse effects on animal health. This may lead to great economic losses in animal husbandry. In this review, the most common methods to counteract mycotoxins are presented, including several pre- and post-harvest strategies as well as an overview of the different mycotoxin detoxifying agents. The current legislation regarding maximum, guidance or action levels of mycotoxin contamination in various feedstuffs is also mentioned. It allows the agricultural industry to interpret feed analysis results and to decide whether to undertake actions or not.
How to Cite:
Devreese, M., De Backer, P. & Croubels, S., (2013) “Different methods to counteract mycotoxin production and its impact on animal health”, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 82(4), 181-190. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/vdt.v82i4.16695
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