• Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007

    Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007

Case Report

Vijf gevallen van septische peritonitis bij de hond: diagnose, behandeling en resultaat

M. Doom, K. Vermote and H. de Rooster

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 35–43


Spierziekten bij hond en kat Deel 5: secundaire myopathieën

A. Vanhaesebrouck, T. Bilzer and L. van Ham

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 14–25

Cryptosporidiosis in snakes

T. Hellebuyck, D; Vancraeynest, T. Geurden, E. Claerebout and F. Pasmans

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 26–30

Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in belgian snake collections

T. Hellebuyck, D. Vancraeynest, T. Geurden, E. Claerebout and F. Pasmans

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 31–34

Erythroleukemia in a cat

H. De Bosschere, J. Poelvoorde, G. Depourcq and K. Bruyland

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 44–48

Truncus arteriosus persistens in an arabian foal

D. De Clercq, G. van Loon and P. Deprez

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 49–54


Vernieuwing van de opleiding tot dierenarts aan de universiteit gent

P. Simoens, P. Deprez and A; de Kruif

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 2–9

Scientific viewpoint

Regulation (ec) no 854/2004 laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption is not in compliance with official anatomical nomenclature

C. Casteleyn, W. Van den Broecke and P. Simoens

2007-02-20 Volume 76 • Issue 1 • 2007 • 10–13