“Een sterk soelaas voor ons verdriet”: de didactische poëzie van Niketas van Herakleia
- Nina Vanhoutte
“A strong comfort for our sorrow”: the didactic poetry of Niketas of Herakleia (by Nina Vanhoutte) In this article I present some initial findings of my project about the didactic poetry of Niketas of Herakleia, as well as expounding my methodology. The article focusses primarily on the codicological situation of my corpus-texts, as well as their historical context and how this context can be linked to some typical characteristics of Byzantine didactic poetry. This last point is illustrated with the analysis of the prologue of the longest poem in my corpus, Niketas’ poem About Syntax.
How to Cite:
Vanhoutte, N., (2024) ““Een sterk soelaas voor ons verdriet”: de didactische poëzie van Niketas van Herakleia”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis 76, 213–224. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/kzm.90449
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