
Op zoek naar de canon: Criteria ter selectie van een moderne schrijversbiografie in Vlaanderen: enkele praktische en theoretische reflecties

  • Stefan van den Bossche


In Flanders there has been since approximacely 1990 a certain rise of literary
biographies. It has generally been accepted that the ideal biography is a
question of finding the right dialogue between literature and science, and
that the value of the biography is determined, in good as well as in bad ways,
by the talent of the biographer. Recent research on the literary canon was
especially focused on the personal publications, the group-participation, possible
side-activicies in literary regions and the positive reception of the work
of the subject. Nevertheless a large number of less-important writers has
influenced the perception of the literal history. The contemporary literary
canon is only of secondary importance to determinate the choice of the biographer.
Especially admiration, identification and the will of rehabilitation
stimulate him to write down a certain live-story.

How to Cite:

van den Bossche, S., (2005) “Op zoek naar de canon: Criteria ter selectie van een moderne schrijversbiografie in Vlaanderen: enkele praktische en theoretische reflecties”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis 59, 73-91. doi:

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Published on
05 Jan 2005
Peer Reviewed