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The Journal of European Periodical Studies is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed online open access journal published by Ghent University. The flagship journal of ESPRit, the European Society for Periodical Research, JEPS is devoted to the study of periodicals and newspapers in Europe from the seventeenth century to the present. It publishes research from a broad range of critical, theoretical and methodological perspectives, including, but not limited to, cultural history, literary studies, art history, gender studies, media studies, history of science and digital humanities. In recent decades, increasing numbers of scholars working in these and other disciplines across the humanities have explored the periodical press as a key site for cultural production, public debate and the dissemination of knowledge. Nevertheless, the study of magazines, newspapers, journals and other forms of periodical publication is still a fragmented field. Scholars usually focus on particular national traditions or historical periods. Much research remains to be done on the interactions among these traditions and the development of the periodical press over the long term.

JEPS offers scholars at any stage of their careers a forum for sharing their research and exchanging ideas across disciplinary borders. JEPS welcomes article submissions, special issue proposals, and suggestions for book reviews. We also publish "field notes", a non-peer-reviewed section featuring short pieces about ongoing research, critical reflections, or debating points. Field notes primarily focus on theoretical and methodological issues. We welcome preliminary findings, insights from engaging roundtables, and other contributions that foster scholarly debate and challenge received knowledge in the field.

Although the journal welcomes contributions on any aspect of the European periodical press, it particularly encourages comparative approaches that take the study of periodical publication beyond linguistic, cultural and historical boundaries, explore new theoretical and methodological paths, and thereby open up new lines of scholarly inquiry.

JEPS is a diamond open access journal, free of charges for both authors and readers.