
170 results

Review of Alexia Kalantzis, Hélène Védrine, and Norbert Verdier, eds, Les Périodiques comme médiateurs culturels: Autour de la diffusion des savoirs (2023)

Bénédicte Coste

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 115–117

Review of Alison Hedley, Making Pictorial Print: Media Literacy and Mass Culture in British Magazines, 1885–1918 (2022)

Mary Elizabeth Leighton

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 111–114

Review of Julie Golia, Newspaper Confessions: A History of Advice Columns in a Pre-Internet Age (2021)

Helena Goodwyn

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 108–110

Strategies of Displacement in Artists’ Periodicals from the 1970s: Neon de Suro, Schmuck, Commonpress, and La Città di Riga

Marie Boivent and Giorgio Di Domenico

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 91–107

The Double Resistance of the German Periodical Die Zone (1933–34) in Paris

Magdolna Gucsa

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 71–90

Between ‘Central’ and ‘Marginal’: Three Syrian Women’s Journals of the 1920s, Beirut and Damascus

Barbara Winckler

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 49–70

Anachronism or Cultural Transfer? Latin Journals in the Public Sphere of the Hungarian Kingdom in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Piroska Balogh

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 30–48

Plotting the Geopolitics of Twentieth-Century Modern and Avant-Garde Illustrated Periodicals

Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Nicola Carboni and Marie Barras

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 8–29

Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social ‘Centres’ and ‘Peripheries’

Gábor Dobó, Aled Gruffydd Jones, Merse Pál Szeredi and Zsuzsa Török

2024-06-25 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Periodicals beyond Hierarchies • 1–7

Review of Marysa Demoor, Cedric Van Dijck, and Birgit Van Puymbroeck, eds, The Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals (2023)

Ann-Marie Einhaus

2024-02-21 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 75–78

Periodicals and the History of their Present: Die Zeiten (1805–20) as Chronopoetic Historiography

Nora Ramtke

2024-02-21 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 1–29

Review of Andrew Hobbs, ed., The Diaries of Anthony Hewitson, Provincial Journalist, Volume 1: 1865–1887 (2022)

Caroline Jones

2024-02-21 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 68–70

Review of Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff, and Oliver Scheiding, eds, Periodical Studies Today: Multidisciplinary Analyses (2022)

Florian Gödel

2024-02-21 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 71–74

The Periodical as a Playhouse: Wyndham Lewis’s ‘Enemy of the Stars’ in Blast (1914)

Anneloek Scholten

2024-02-21 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 30–48

From Marginalia to Bookends: Industrialization, Capitalism, and Advertising in Hungary’s Modern Literary Journal, Nyugat (1908–41)

Maya J. Lo Bello

2024-02-21 Volume 8 • Issue 2 • 2023 • 49–67

Review of Valeria Tettamanti, Il viaggio di Gulliver: Verso una (im)possibile cultura europea (1961–1963) (2021)

Friederike Schneider

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 79–82

Exile from Eden: Miron Grindea’s ADAM International Review

Chris Mourant

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 40–59

Review of Morena Corradi and Silvia Valisa, eds, La carta veloce: Figure, temi e politiche del giornalismo italiano dell’Ottocento (2021)

Dario Boemia

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 75–78

'Going into Europe': Encounter Magazine, European Union and the British Establishment

Jason Harding

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 9–24

Review of Amy Matthewson, Cartooning China: Punch, Power, & Politics in the Victorian Era (2022)

Sofie Vandepitte

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 83–84

The Matter of Europe: Introduction

Cillian Ó Fathaigh and Andrew Thacker

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 1–8

Freedom and Plurality in Unity: The European Politics of Der Monat

Dana Steglich

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 25–39

‘The Radio, This Unknown’ and La Nouvelle Équipe Française: National and Transnational Public Spheres in Post-1945 France

Cillian Ó Fathaigh

2023-10-31 Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 2023 • The Matter of Europe • 60–74

European Periodical Research 2020–30: Voices and Visions from the ESPRit 2021 Roundtable

Evanghelia Stead, Fionnuala Dillane, Jutta Ernst, Fabio Guidali, Mara Logaldo and Jens Ruchatz

2023-02-08 Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 2022 • Periodical Formats in the Market • 147–163

Periodical Formats in the Market: Economies of Space and Time, Competition and Transfer

Nora Ramtke, Mirela Husić and Christian A. Bachmann

2023-02-08 Volume 7 • Issue 2 • 2022 • Periodical Formats in the Market • 1–7