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  • Call for New Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team Members

    Call for New Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team Members

    Posted by JEPS on 2024-09-20

We are inviting applications for the position of editor-in-chief of JEPS starting on 1 January 2025, for an initial term of five years. The current editor, Marianne Van Remoortel, will step down at the end of 2024. To ensure a smooth transition, there will be a handover period of several months. Responsibilities of the editor-in-chief include leading the editorial team and organising monthly online editorial meetings, managing all activities of the journal and delegating tasks, and overseeing the journal’s mission and direction in close collaboration with the editorial team.

We are also looking for new editorial team members to participate in the editing of the journal and take up tasks such as coordinating issues, liaising with authors and reviewers, copyediting, and/or proofreading.

If you are

  • an active participant in the field of periodical studies;
  • have excellent editorial skills or would like to develop them;
  • have a good working knowledge of English;
  • are at a place in your career where you can devote time to editorial work;

please consider joining our team!

To apply, please submit a cover letter and CV to by 15 October 2024. Cover letters should indicate the position(s) you are applying for and include your motivation for joining JEPS. Applicants for the position of editor-in-chief might outline ideas for the journal’s development over the next five years, including thoughts on the journal’s scope, future directions, and international profile.

Applications (cover letter + CV) should comprise no more than four pages. Any questions can be sent to the same address.


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