Women Editors in Europe
- Marianne Van Remoortel (Ghent University)
- Julie M. Birkholz
- Maria Alesina
- Christina Bezari
- Charlotte D'Eer
- Eloise Forestier
This special issue of the Journal of European Periodical Studies contains a selection of eleven papers presented at the 2019 Women Editors in Europe conference at Ghent University. It explores women’s editorship in a wide range of national and transnational contexts in five full-length articles by Judit Acsády, Lola Alvarez-Morales and Amelia Sanz-Cabrerizo, Aisha Bazlamit, Andrea Penso, and Joanne Shattock, and five shorter pieces by Petra Bozsoki, Zsolt Mészáros, Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Zsuzsa Török, and Alicja Walczyna, headed by a provocative essay by the conference keynote speaker, Fionnuala Dillane. Spanning three centuries and seven European languages, the special issue not only offers insight into the breadth and diversity of women’s editorial work for the press; it also draws together different national and language traditions in periodical scholarship and makes them accessible to an international audience.
How to Cite:
Van Remoortel, M., Birkholz, J., Alesina, M., Bezari, C., D'Eer, C. & Forestier, E., (2021) “Women Editors in Europe”, Journal of European Periodical Studies 6(1), 1–6. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/jeps.v6i1.20637
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