Case Report

Diagnosis and ultrasound-guided retrieval of a vaginal foreign body in a dog and a cat

  • L. Gatel
  • G. Gory
  • B. De Pauw
  • D. N. Rault


In this case report, the diagnosis and ultrasound-guided retrieval of an intravaginal grass awn in a dog and a cat are described. The dog was presented with chronic vaginal discharge for over two years. The cat was presented for acute lethargy and bloody vaginal discharge and a two-week history of a perivulvar leakage. Ultrasonographic diagnosis included the visualization of a linear, hyperechoic and spindle-shaped structure and mild thickness of the vagina. The grass awns were successfully retrieved non-invasively, under general anesthesia using ultrasoundguided Hartmann forceps inserted into the vagina. Ultrasound-guided grass awn retrieval from the vagina appears to be a safe and inexpensive procedure.

How to Cite:

Gatel, L., Gory, G., De Pauw, B. & Rault, D., (2014) “Diagnosis and ultrasound-guided retrieval of a vaginal foreign body in a dog and a cat”, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 83(2), 55-59. doi:

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Published on
29 Apr 2014
Peer Reviewed