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Populair of verstoten?: een netwerkanalytische studie naar de sociale kenmerken van pesters in het Vlaamse secundaire onderwijs

Author: Jannick Demanet orcid logo

  • Populair of verstoten?: een netwerkanalytische studie naar de sociale kenmerken van pesters in het Vlaamse secundaire onderwijs


    Populair of verstoten?: een netwerkanalytische studie naar de sociale kenmerken van pesters in het Vlaamse secundaire onderwijs



In scientific literature, bullying is explained in many different ways. This article explores two of those models, namely social control theory, and social dominance theory, which make contradictory assumptions about the popularity of bullies. Social control theory states an inability model, while social dominance theory advocates an ability model. This article tries to resolve this incompatibility, taking Flemish secondary schools as a case. Network analysis and stepwise logistic regression analysis of the survey data of the Flemish Educational Assessment (FIEA) (n = 11872), gathered in 2004-2005, are used for this test. In addition to social characteristics, we also examine the relation with school and family characteristics, which are important in social control theory. Results do not discriminate conclusively between the two models, but follow the assumptions made by social dominance theory. Bullies appear to be more social than anti-social, especially in the case of sociometric popularity, perceived popularity and number of lovers.

How to Cite:

Demanet, J., (2008) “Populair of verstoten?: een netwerkanalytische studie naar de sociale kenmerken van pesters in het Vlaamse secundaire onderwijs”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 29(4), 397–423. doi:

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