Developing small-aircraft service and re-construction of landing-gear leg support
- R. Lefánti
- Gabor Kalácska
- I. Oldal
- K. Petróczki
The programs of air-operation and service in the aviation engineering - within this at light-aircraft too - takeplace according to rigorous regulations [6, 7]. There are such machine units and parts which regulation areincomplete, for instance such is the landing-shaft seating. We have developed a new maintenance modelbased on the traditional ones, which offers new information exchange modul for e.g. weak point reconstruction and uses paper based documentation and modern remote maintenance as well. Beside thenew model we have worked out a renewing solution of the often failed landing-gear leg support applyingfield and laboratory test and FEM modelling to fill up as an engineering example for the information modulof the new maintenance model.
How to Cite:
Lefánti, R., Kalácska, G., Oldal, I. & Petróczki, K., (2011) “Developing small-aircraft service and re-construction of landing-gear leg support”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 2(1), 99-105. doi:
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