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Twee handen op één buik ? Hoe en waarom de mediatisering van de Vlaamse politiek en particratie hand in hand gaan

  • Peter Van Aelst orcid logo


There is a growing consensus that politics have become mediatised. News media have become more independent and are more guided by their own routines and standards and less by what political actors deem important. However, this paper argues that this has not led to a decrease of the power of political parties. In Belgium, particracy and mediatisation seem to go hand in hand. There are mainly two reasons for this. Firstly, media attention focuses heavily on politicians with power and in that sense, media logic and party logic overlap. Secondly, parties have adjusted well to the media and their logic, among others by integrating journalists in the party organisation. We expect that social media will gradually become more important for politicians, but that this evolution too will change little to the central position of political parties in our democracy.

How to Cite:

Van Aelst, P., (2018) “Twee handen op één buik ? Hoe en waarom de mediatisering van de Vlaamse politiek en particratie hand in hand gaan”, Res Publica 60(4), 347-371.

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