
De etnische politieke elite van Nederland : gewoon geworden door ongewoon te zijn ?

  • Roos van der Zwan orcid logo
  • Tomas Turner-Zwinkels orcid logo


This article compares the study and professional backgrounds of ethnic minority and native Dutch MPs in the Netherlands using self-collected data trom 2010-2016. We build on previous studies and further develop and test the compensation and similarity model. We expected that ethnic minorities compensate with regard to the duration of their education and the length of their professional and pre-parliamentarian political careers. Furthermore, in line with the similarity model, we expected greater similarities between ethnic minority and Dutch MPs in terms of their educational and professional backgrounds and politica! experience. The results show more evidence tor the similarity model than tor the compensation model. We find that ethnic minority MPs have similar educational levels and types of politica! experience as Dutch MPs, however, contrary to the expectation they do not have more but less years of professional and pre-parliamentarian political experience.

How to Cite:

van der Zwan, R. & Turner-Zwinkels, T., (2017) “De etnische politieke elite van Nederland : gewoon geworden door ongewoon te zijn ?”, Res Publica 59(4), 413-437.

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Published on
30 Dec 2017
Peer Reviewed