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Tussen partij en parlement : het profiel van de fractievoorzitter in België

  • Benjamin de Vet orcid logo
  • Bram Wauters orcid logo


The leader of the parliamentary party in Belgium occupies a very specific position, which differs from that of the politica! leader and that of the organizational leader of a party. This person acts as a crucial linking pin between 'the party in central office' and 'the party in public office'. Owing to an increase in power of 'the party in central office' in modern 'cartel parties', we expect repercussions on the profile, selection and functioning of parliamentary party leaders. In this first, exploratory analysis based on a new dataset, we sketch the profile of these leaders in terms of experience and career, and based on these characteristics, we develop a typology. We also investigate whether these va ria bles vary over time and by government status.  Our results show for most of the indicators a weakening of the parliamentary party leader over time, whereas government parties appear to prefer a stronger parliamentary party leader than opposition parties.

How to Cite:

de Vet, B. & Wauters, B., (2015) “Tussen partij en parlement : het profiel van de fractievoorzitter in België”, Res Publica 57(2), 185-215.

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