
De verschillende electorale aanhang van het Vlaams Blok in de Antwerpse gemeenten : het inktvlekmodel en de vraag- en aanbodtheorieën over extreem-rechts

  • Teun Pauwels


In this article we explained the differential electoral appeal of the extreme right in the municipalities of Antwerp. The electoral geography of the Vlaams Blok demonstrated that the furth er one lives from the city of Antwerp, the less li kely one is to vote for the extreme right. This phenomenon was explained trough a specific urbanization pattern and the so called contamination hypothesis. W e also found that the presence of migrants and the unem ployment rate had a significa nt correlation with the score of the VB . This helped to understand why some municipalities were characterized by a long distance from the city and yet a high score for the VB . The supply side of the VB was also analyzed . This revealed that the proportion of preferential votes for the VB correlated highly with the electoral score of the VB in the municipalities of Antwerp.

How to Cite:

Pauwels, T., (2006) “De verschillende electorale aanhang van het Vlaams Blok in de Antwerpse gemeenten : het inktvlekmodel en de vraag- en aanbodtheorieën over extreem-rechts”, Res Publica 48(4), 338-368.

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Published on
30 Dec 2006
Peer Reviewed