Stille revolutie, contra-revolutie of cultureel conflict ? : Veranderingen in de politieke cultuur en hun invloed op het verband tussen klassenpositie en stemgedrag
This paper dea ls with the linkage between changes in the political culture and changes in class-party alignments. First, we investigate how the political culture in Western countries has changed over time. Three views are tested using data on party-manifestos. The first predicts that only new-leftist issues will increase in salience. The second predicts that both new-leftist and new-rightist issues will emerge at the same time. The third, which is empirically corroborated, predicts that first new-leftist issues will emerge followed by arise in new rightist issues. Second, we investigate how the emergence of these new issues has affected the traditional class-party alignments. We show that the middle class increasingly votes left-wing as newleftist issues become more important and that the working class increasingly votes rightwing as new-rightist issues become more important. The middle class also appears to alienate from the traditional party of their class as new-rightist issues rise in salience.
How to Cite:
Van der Waal, J. & Achterberg, P., (2006) “Stille revolutie, contra-revolutie of cultureel conflict ? : Veranderingen in de politieke cultuur en hun invloed op het verband tussen klassenpositie en stemgedrag”, Res Publica 48(4), 369-392.
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