
De uitgeholde staat :de invloed van Europese integratie op politieke partijen en de staat

  • Harmen Binnema orcid logo
  • Noël P. Vergunst


The hollow state is a metaphor for the process in which the position of the nation-state is weakened, as authority is transferred to the EU level or regional level (horizontal shift) and to the private domain (vertical). We argue that the analysis of th is process should not focus narrowly on formal rules and sovereignty, but that the most fruitful approach is a thorough empirical assessment of the changes taking place in various aspects of the nation-state.  Moreover, the scope should be broadened to include the transformation of political decision making: from government to governance. In particular, we discuss the consequences for the functioning of political parties. We conclude that member states indeed lose policy autonomy to EU integration, and have to share authority with several other actors. Yet, because of its ability to adapt to external challenges, the state remains a relevant and important entity.

How to Cite:

Binnema, H. & Vergunst, N., (2005) “De uitgeholde staat :de invloed van Europese integratie op politieke partijen en de staat”, Res Publica 47(1), 5-18.

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Published on
30 Mar 2005
Peer Reviewed