Leden en hun inspraak binnen politieke partijen
In response to a decline of 'the party on the ground', political parties in Western Europe have increased the opportunities for their members to have a say on the party's policy. In this article, four ways of increased involvement of the rank-and-file in Belgian political parties are analysed : party leadership elections, co-decision as concerns the composition of electoral lists, intra-party referenda and the widening ofthe suffrage on party congresses. As concerns the statutory regulations, the involvement of party members has increased
significantly. In practice, however, influence of party members remains limited and the party elite continues to keep most power in their hands. Most party members are aware of the limits of their influence. Moreover, not all members are interested in having a greater say in party affairs. Those that adhere to a party because of ideological or programmatic reasons, participate most.
How to Cite:
Wauters, B., (2003) “Leden en hun inspraak binnen politieke partijen”, Res Publica 45(1), 35-65. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/rp.v45i1.18426
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