
Vertegenwoordigende claims en de substantiële vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de Kamer

  • Silvia Erzeel orcid logo


Studies of women's representation have aften explored the link between women's descriptive and women's substantive representation in parliament, analyzing whether female representatives bring a unique - and often feminist - contribution to the representation of women's interests. Doing so, however, these studies have failed to consider "how women's substantive representation actually occurs" (Celis & Childs, 2008; Childs & Krook, 2009). Recent studies therefore propose to apply a claim-based framework, leaving open how, why and by whom women's substantive representation occurs (Celis et al., 2008). In this article, we put this new claim-based approach to the empirical test. More in particular, we consider its added value by studying the variety of claims made about women in the Belgian Chamber of Representatives (1995-2007). We conclude that a claim-based framework indeed brings additional actors and perspectives to the fore, but that there are limits as to which claims are formulated and by whom.

How to Cite:

Erzeel, S., (2021) “Vertegenwoordigende claims en de substantiële vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de Kamer”, Res Publica 53(4), 429-450.

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Published on
27 Apr 2021
Peer Reviewed