Genderquota als een kieshervorming: terug naar de context, actoren en belangen
This article returns to the meanwhile classic question of which factors explain the adoptio n of gender quotas, but approaches the issue through the literature on electoral reform. lt argues that the latter offers two new issues to be studied when it comes to the adoption of gender quotas. Firstly, the definition of the political-institutional and socioeconomie context in which gender quotas are adopted should be broadened, and inte rnational institutions, much focused upon in research on gender quotas, should be integrated in this definition of the context in which gender quotas get adopted, so as to facilitate comparative research. Secondly, research needs to approach actors striving for gender quotas more critically. This implies paying more attention to the wamen/feminist stakeholders involved in campaigns for gender quotas, as well as to the ir strategie motivations and possible self-interest.
How to Cite:
Celis, K. & Meier, P., (2013) “Genderquota als een kieshervorming: terug naar de context, actoren en belangen”, Res Publica 55(3), 287-301.
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