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Gender en etniciteit in de Tweede Kamer : streefcijfers en groepsvertegenwoordiging

  • Liza Mügge orcid logo
  • Alyt Damstra orcid logo


Women and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in national parliaments around the world. lnterestingly, in the Netherlands ethnic minority women are better represented than ethnic minority men and ethnic majority women. The Netherlands did not adopt gender quotas, but some parties implemented target numbers. Drawing on document analysis and interviews, this article explores whether parties that encourage women's representation are also likely to increase the number of ethnic minority representatives. lt finds that party-specific factors such as a left or social democratie ideology, the institutionalization of gender and/or ethnicity within the party and the party's vision on group representation are intertwined. Parties that actively encourage women's representation are more inclined to openly acknowledge the importance of ethnic diversity. This especially favours ethnic minority women, who benefit from the strong embedding of gender. In the end gender determines the success of the ethnic card in political representation.

How to Cite:

Mügge, L. & Damstra, A., (2013) “Gender en etniciteit in de Tweede Kamer : streefcijfers en groepsvertegenwoordiging”, Res Publica 55(3), 339-358.

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