
La "Saga des Ducs". Naissance, vie et mort de l'expérience "bicéphale" au Parti Réformateur Libéral (1989-1992)

  • Marc D'Hoore


In January 1990, the Parti Réformateur Libéral (PRL) inaugurated a brand new management, called "bicephalism ": instead of the traditional presidentialsystem, one "ticket" with a president (Antoine Duquesne) and a vice-president (Daniel Ducarme) was commissioned to ensure the leadership of the party.
The bicephalism was only the result of a tricky internal compromise, stemming from the discontent following the return of the party in the opposition (May 1988) and strengthened after the defeat at the European polls (fune 1989).
The "two-headed" system wanted to restore the credibility and to reinforce the cohesion of the PRL. In fact, this genuine political "curiosity" mainly revealed the structural and ideological deficiency which made its coming possible. lts ultimate defeat - at the 24 November1991 polls - caused itsfalling down.
The bicephalism was bound to an identity problem of the french Belgian liberalism but also some features of the experience refer to a more general crisis of the values carried by the old traditional political movements.

How to Cite:

D'Hoore, M., (1993) “La "Saga des Ducs". Naissance, vie et mort de l'expérience "bicéphale" au Parti Réformateur Libéral (1989-1992)”, Res Publica 35(3-4), 459-501. doi:

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Published on
30 Dec 1993
Peer Reviewed