
Actiemiddelen van drukkingsgroeperingen in België : Onderzoek aan de hand van het Vrouwen Overleg Komitee, de Bond Beter Leefmilieu, het Vlaams Artsensyndicaat en de Belgische Boerenbond

  • Ingrid Vanhoren


There is a relationship between the different means of action of pressure groups - aimed at exerting pressure on the national government - and its effectiviness on policy level. Because a theoretical analysis is indispensable for further emperical research, the study first focuses on a general survey of possible means of action. This theoretical scheme is applied to four pressure groups. The analysis ofJour quite different pressure groups: 'Vrouwen Overleg Komitee', 'Bond Beter Leefmilieu', 'Vlaams Artsensyndicaat' and 'Belgische Boerenbond' shows that the use of indirect means of action produces a greater effectiviness on policy level. But the choice of the means of action by an organisation depends on several determining factors. Following hypothesis can be sustained by this emperical study: stronger pressure groups, like Vlaams Artsensyndicaat and Belgische Boerenbond (because of the determining factors), mostly use indirect means of action and are characterised by a greater effectiviness than the two other organisations.

How to Cite:

Vanhoren, I., (1990) “Actiemiddelen van drukkingsgroeperingen in België : Onderzoek aan de hand van het Vrouwen Overleg Komitee, de Bond Beter Leefmilieu, het Vlaams Artsensyndicaat en de Belgische Boerenbond”, Res Publica 32(1), 95-115. doi:

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Published on
30 Mar 1990
Peer Reviewed