De repressie en de politieke agenda : September 1944 - november 1952
- Luc Huyse
From September 1944 on the military courts that handled matters of wartime collaboration had to scrutinize 350. 000 charges and prosecute 57. 000 suspects white political authorities, parties, the media and public opinion kept a close watch. The aim of this article is to study the place the issue of the purge of the Belgian collaborators took on the political agenda of that time. It was found that the topic in question seldom received a top priority position and that when it attracted major attention interests outside the issue of the purge itself (such as the reconstruction of the economy or the reshuffling of a government) were at stake.
How to Cite:
Huyse, L., (1990) βDe repressie en de politieke agenda : September 1944 - november 1952β, Res Publica 32(4), 415-425. doi:
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