
Parlementsleden over het parlement en hun taak : Onderzoek van gepercipieerde en gepropageerde beelden inzake het parlement bij de Vlaamse Kamerleden van 1977 tot 1987

  • Peter Weckx


This article focuses on opinions of 185 Flemish members of Parliament on the functioning of Parliament, the position of Parliament in the decision making process and their task as a member of Parliament. For that purpose, members of Parliament were not interviewed, hut other sources were used, such as (daily and weekly) papers, papers of political parties and parliamentary documents.  They all were situated in the period 1977-1987.
The study shows that members of Parliament do not wish to affect a revaluation of Parliament because of different opinions of opposition and majority members conceming its position in the decision making process. Nevertheless, they extensively discussed this theme. In this way they want to express their concern for the functioning of parliamentary democracy, in which Parliament constitutionally is focused in the center.

How to Cite:

Weckx, P., (1990) “Parlementsleden over het parlement en hun taak : Onderzoek van gepercipieerde en gepropageerde beelden inzake het parlement bij de Vlaamse Kamerleden van 1977 tot 1987”, Res Publica 32(4), 595-625. doi:

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Published on
30 Dec 1990
Peer Reviewed