De verdeling van de nationale en regionale bevoegdheden
- Leo Neels
The distribution of competences between the national state, the communities and the regions is subject to criticism. The state reform laws f 1980 have admittedly led to many confiicts, due to a lack of clearness
of the terms of the law and to the incomplete character of the reform.
A clear option is to be made between a federal regime as such, a regionalised state and separatism; so far this option has only been postponed, which leaves the actual state structure rather confused and hardly workable.
A series of conditions both of a politica! and a legal nature have to be fulfilled in order to clear the situations.
How to Cite:
Neels, L., (1984) “De verdeling van de nationale en regionale bevoegdheden”, Res Publica 26(3), 363-373. doi:
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