Les élections des conseils provinciaux
- Xavier Mabille
The elections for the provincial councils of the 8th of November 1981 show the same tendencies as the parliamentary elections, held at the same time. The liberals had a general progress, the socialists kept their positions and the christian democrats were subject to severe decline. Whereas the Flemish nationalist Volksunie regained his strength of the pre-Egmont period, the French and Walloon federalist parties lost a considerable part of their electorate. This however does not represent by itself the care of the regional asymmetric electoral behaviour; it is rather the fact that in Flanders there was only one loosing party, where in the other regions more than one party had a considerable decline.
How to Cite:
Mabille, X., (1982) “Les élections des conseils provinciaux”, Res Publica 24(1), 195-205. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/rp.v24i1.19347
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