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Het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de Liberale partijvorming op Europees vlak

  • Jan Engels


First international contacts between Liberals date back to just after the First World War with the creation of the Liberal World Union in 1924. Regular meetings among Liberals began in 1947 within the Liberal International, which at once published the «Oxford Manifesto» reaffirming basic liberal principles. Among the subjects discussed : the European integration. Another contribution to the European cooperation was made by the Liberal Movement for a United Europe, created by the Belgian liberal leader Roger Motz.
At a congress in Stuttgart in March 1976 a Federation of Liberals and Democrats was officially created. Fourteen parties initially joined the Federation, two however dropped out.
In November 1976 at a Congress in The Hague, first preparations were made for a European election programme, which was approved in Brussels in November 1977, at the conclusion of a democratie consultation of all parties.
This programme maps out a number of liberal ideas on the future cooperation in Europe in various fields of activity. There were no major divergencies between the various member-parties of the Federation.
It is identical in its contents for all ELD parties.

How to Cite:

Engels, J., (1979) “Het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de Liberale partijvorming op Europees vlak”, Res Publica 21(1), 65-78. doi:

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