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Les élections législatives du 10 mars 1974: Analyse des résultats

  • William Fraeys


The parliamentary election of 10 March 1974 was marked by a great steadiness of the electorate. The vote movements, which could nevertheless be observed, consisted, on the one part, in an advance of the Christian Democrats in Flanders and in Wallonia and, on the other part, in a generalized receding of the community parties. The backward move was rather obvious for the FDF in Brussels, less evident for the Rassemblement Wallon and the slightest for the Volksunie. The Socialists gained ground in Wallonia but receded in Flanders, whereas an inverse situation characterized the Liberal lists. It appears rather clearly that the personality of the candidates played a large part in this election. Same well-known candidates scored a great number of votes. Although the Belgian electorate very largely confirmed its choice of 1971, it seems that the community problems failed to catch the voter's attention as they had in the past; moreover a certain return to the traditional political families could be observed under the influence of the economical, social and ethical problems.

How to Cite:

Fraeys, W., (2021) “Les élections législatives du 10 mars 1974: Analyse des résultats”, Res Publica 16(3-4), 517-535. doi:

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