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Stedelijke context en steun voor de PVV : Interetnische nabijheid, economische kansen en cultureel klimaat in 50 Nederlandse steden

  • Jeroen Van Der Waale orcid logo
  • Willem De Koster orcid logo
  • Peter Achterberg orcid logo


Some studies find that interethnic propinquity leads to ethnic tolerance, while others conclude that it underlies ethnic conflict. Using data on 50 Dutch cities in 2006 and 2010, this article assesses whether the consequences of interethnic propinquity for votes for Wilders's PVV - the Dutch anti-immigrant party par excellence - are conditional on the economic and cultural urban contexts in which these contacts take place. In line with the 'conflict hypothesis' it is found that a higher level of interethnic propinquity leads to more support for the PVV in cities with a high level of unemployment and an intolerant cultural climate (as measured by the bohemian index and the gay-scene index), whereas the relationship is reverse in cities with low unemployment
levels and a tolerant cultural climate (corroborating the 'contact hypothesis').

How to Cite:

Van Der Waale, J., De Koster, W. & Achterberg, P., (2011) “Stedelijke context en steun voor de PVV : Interetnische nabijheid, economische kansen en cultureel klimaat in 50 Nederlandse steden”, Res Publica 53(2), 189-207.

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