
De proliferatie van regionale integratie en het unieke karakter van de EU als wetenschappelijk probleem

  • Luk Van Langenhove orcid logo


This article presents an analytical framework to advance the comparative study of regional integration processes and to give a proper place to the EU within the field of regional integration studies. lt is argued that a single theory of regional integration is not possible and that in order to compare different integration processes a distinction needs to be made between three generations of regionalism: i) integration by removing (economic) barriers; ii) integration by building a supranational structure and (iii) integration by building a geopolitical identity. This framework allows to better situate the EU towards other integration schemes in the world : as an exponent of first generation regionalism, the EU can be studied as one of many hundreds integration schemes; as a form of second generation integration the EU can only be compared to a  limited number of cases and with regard to third generation regionalism the EU is a N = 1 case.

How to Cite:

Van Langenhove, L., (2009) “De proliferatie van regionale integratie en het unieke karakter van de EU als wetenschappelijk probleem”, Res Publica 51(2), 217236.

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Published on
29 Jun 2009
Peer Reviewed