
De personale keuze bij de parlementsverkiezingen van 24 november 1991

  • Erwin Das


At the general elections in Belgium, the voter bas the possibility to bring out a vote fora party or a vote for a candidate of the party (a preferential vote).  At the general elections of November 24, 1991, for the House of Representatives, the voters have voted for 48% by preference, whereas, for the Senate 41 % of them have done so. The evolution is stagnating.  The use of preferential votes is varying from one electoral district to another: from 62% in the district of Tongeren-Maaseik to 34% in Mechelen.
There is also a difference from one political party to another. The highest percentage is obtained by the christian-democratic parties: 58%; the lowest by the last remaining communists: 27%.
The preferential v'ótes individual candidates obtain differ widely. This is not only a result of their popularity, but also of their political position, rendering of services and media-attraction. Preferential voting is characteristic to politically conscious voters.

How to Cite:

Das, E., (1992) “De personale keuze bij de parlementsverkiezingen van 24 november 1991”, Res Publica 34(2), 155-173. doi:

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Published on
29 Jun 1992
Peer Reviewed