Hoe drukte men schade uit in het Oudfries? Skathia en wedijverende gezegdes
- Laura Bruno
This article aims to study the semantic and morphosyntactic role of the predicate skathia ‘to harm, damage’ and its competitors skatha dwā ‘to do damage’, evel dwā ‘to do evil’, and dera ‘to harm’ in the Old Frisian legal stipulations, and thereby contribute to the growing interest in Old Frisian (morpho-)syntax. This is achieved by collecting all the attestations of these predicates in the given corpus and analyzing their semantics and distribution over the centuries. The involvement of a dative experiencer in the use of these predicates will play a crucial role in the data analysis.
How to Cite:
Bruno, L., (2022) “Hoe drukte men schade uit in het Oudfries? Skathia en wedijverende gezegdes”, Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis 74, 21–39. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/kzm.85254
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