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Author Guidelines

The Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift publishes original papers, case reports, reviews and short communications. The journal does not have article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs). Articles can be submitted in English or Dutch with a Dutch and English title and abstract. The manuscripts are submitted attached to e-mail (, and should simultaneously be forwarded to all co-authors. The text should be typed with double spacing. The submission of case reports is highly recommended. 

Each manuscript is reviewed by two independent referees. The result of this review will be communicated to the author by the editor within two months after submission of the manuscript. Articles provisionally accepted for publication are definitively accepted only once the author has made the suggested corrections or has justified why certain corrections are not made.

The final version should be provided via e-mail to the editor of the journal. By sending the manuscript, the authors give the journal authority to publish it.

The author retains ownership of the copyright and agrees with the reuse and distribution of his work, provided that Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift is properly cited as the original publisher of the article.

Content on this site is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

In case the editorial board and/or reviewers decide an article needs professional linguistic revision before it can be accepted for publication, the authors can choose to: appoint a linguistic corrector themselves. In that case, the corrector should send an e-mail with his/her revised version of the article to

The journal provides this service. The costs, which largely depend on the length of the article and the quality of the English in which it is written, will be charged by the English editor of our journal to the authors or their affiliations.

Content and structure
Authors are strongly advised to consult a recent issue of the journal before, during and after writing the manuscript.

  • Type font: Times New Roman,
  • Type size: 12
  • Title: in bold
  • Add line and page numbers.
  • Article in Dutch: Dutch title (in bold, type size 16) with an English title below (in italics, type size 14).
  • Article in English: English title (in bold, type size 16) and title in Dutch below (in italics, type size 14).
  • First initial(s) and last name of each author (printed in regular type font).
  • Name of the department or institution, with full postal address (printed in regular type font).
  • E-mail address

This should not exceed 5% of the article length, with a maximum of 150 words. Specifically mention all main items as concisely as possible and avoid nonessential statements.

A brief summary of the state-of-the-art of the topic in the literature, followed by clear concise statements of the hypothesis and the aim of the investigation.

Materials and Methods
An objective description without superfluous data.

Arranged in a logical manner, clearly presented, sufficiently detailed.

Sufficiently elaborated. No repetition of results. “Results” and “Discussion” can in some cases be merged into a single section to avoid repetition, especially when the article is short.

Acknowledgements (when appropriate).

References in the text are given as follows: last name of the author(s) and the year of publication, e.g. “… that has previously been shown (Brown, 1975; Brown and Ellis, 1975 ; Brown et al., 1975)" or "Brown (1975) demonstrated that ...". Hence, no number indications are allowed within the text. Multiple references must be arranged in chronological order. In the literature list, references should be written as: last name of the author(s), first initials, year in parentheses, title of the article, name of the journal (in italics), volume (in italics), pages.

Example: Allan W.R., Rowson L.E. (1973). Control of the mare's oestrus cycle by prostaglandins. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 33, 539-543.

References to books should mention the name and location of the publisher. References to specific chapters in books are as follows: the author(s) of the chapter, year of publication, title of the chapter. “In:”, the name(s) of the editor(s), “(editors)”. Title of the Book (in italics + capitals ), edition and volume (if more than one), name and location of the publisher, pages.

Example: Tripathi R.C. (1974). Comparative physiology and anatomy of the aqueous outflow pathway. In: Dawson H. and Graham L.T. (editors). The Eye, 2nd. ed., Vol. 5, Academic Press, New York, p. 163-336.

References should be classified alphabetically by the last name of the first author. Several articles of the same (first) author, or the same authors (if only two) in the same year are listed as a, b, c, etc., both in the text and the literature list (e.g. 1999a).

A personal communication should be mentioned in the text as: (first initial(s) + last name, “personal communication”, year).

Example: (W.R. Allan, personal communication, 1988).

This should not be included in the reference list.

For references without a known author, please write: Anonymous, year. In the literature list: Anonymous (year). Title. Source (where the data can be found). All references should be peer reviewed!

Additional remarks
Ethical committee: in the case of investigations involving the use of experimental animals, the manuscript may be subject to evaluation by the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Therefore, authors are advised to obtain the approval of this committee and to mention this fact when submitting the manuscript.

Reviews: Reviews should not exceed 20 typed pages, and the number of references is to be limited. An excessively long reference list will be replaced by the text: “An extended literature list can be obtained from the authors.”

Figures and tables: Graphics and figures, which must be submitted as separate files in jpeg, bitmap or tiff, should be highly contrastive so as to maximize legibility. Minimum size: 200 bytes. Arrows, letters (lower case), numbers and other means of indication should be white or black depending on the background color, and their sizes should be in proportion to the figure.

The titles and texts of figures should be presented together on separate pages or underneath the reference list. If possible, the figures should fit within the dimensions of the journal lay-out, (i.e. two columns: 18 x 25.5 cm; 1 column: 8.3 x 25.5 cm). For figures that need to be reduced to fit within the layout dimensions, make sure that the letters, numbers and symbols are large enough to be easily read after reduction. The images can be submitted either by email or on CD or USB stick. PowerPoint images can not be processed!

Tables: tables should be submitted in word files. For the presentation, authors are strongly advised to consult a recent issue of the journal.

The number of tables and figures should be kept to the bare minimum that is required.

Abbreviations: avoid abbreviations in titles. The first time an abbreviation is used, it should be preceded by the plain written term. It is advised to use the official anatomical nomenclature (Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, 1983).

The Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift is covered by Web of Science, Current Contents and others.