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Ophthalmic examination findings in healthy white storks (Ciconia Ciconia)

  • B. Kibar Kurt
  • Z. Bozkan Ünal


In birds, vision plays an essential role in vital functions such as feeding and reproduction. In this study, it was aimed to determine the ophthalmic examination findings in healthy storks. A total of eleven healthy white storks were included in the study. Schirmer tear test 1 (STT-I), intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular biometry were performed on both eyes of each stork. The mean STT-I values were 12±3.4 (right eye) and 11.9±3.14 mm/min (left eye), and the IOP values were 19±0.97 (right eye) and 18.85±0.73 mmHg (left eye). The mean ocular biometric values were as follows: anterior chamber depth, 2.30±0.18 and 2.29±0.13 mm, lens thickness 5.18±0.1 and 5.19±0.13 mm, vitreous body 11.72±0.25 and 11.82±0.34 mm, and pecten 7.94±0.34 and 7.9±0.37 mm of the right and left eyes, respectively. Knowledge of the normal value ranges in healthy white storks is necessary for the diagnosis of ocular diseases in this species. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study in which normal ophthalmic value ranges in healthy storks are described.

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