Alfaxalone TIVA during surgical excision of a tracheal adenocarcinoma in a cat
- M. Deflandre
- T. Bosmans
- N. Devriendt
- H. de Rooster
- A. Van Caelenberg
- I. Gielen
- I. Polis
A ten-year-old European Shorthair cat was presented with complaints of progressively worsening dyspnea with open-mouth breathing and inspiratory and expiratory stridor. Histopathological examination of a biopsy, collected during tracheoscopy, revealed that the mass was an intraluminal tracheal adenocarcinoma. Computed tomography (CT) revealed no metastases and the excision of the tumor was performed during the same anesthesia. Intravenous premedication was not possible due to the behavior of the patient and induction of anesthesia was provided using intramuscular injection of alfaxalone. The maintenance of anesthesia was initially provided by inhalation of isoflurane vaporized in oxygen using a laryngeal mask and a circle rebreathing system, followed by total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with alfaxalone during the actual excision of the tumor. By removal of seven tracheal rings, the tumor could be completely removed.
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