Congenital primary hypothyroidism in a cat
- L. van Bergen
- I. Bassez
- G. Junius
- E. Vandermeulen
A five and a half-month-old, male domestic shorthair of 1.4 kg was presented with severe constipation. Physical examination showed a dull, small cat with a poor hair coat and excessive scaling, hypothermia and a large amount of feces in the abdomen. Body proportions showed disproportional dwarfism with a large head and a short neck and limbs. Radiographs revealed marked epiphyseal dysgenesis with delayed maturation and ossification. Megacolon was present. Based on an undetectable level of TT4 and an elevated TSH level in serum, congenital primary hypothyroidism was diagnosed. On scintigraphic examination, the diagnosis was confirmed. After several months of levothyroxine therapy, the cat was bright and alert, showed no signs of constipation and developed normally.
How to Cite:
van Bergen, L., Bassez, I., Junius, G. & Vandermeulen, E., (2016) “Congenital primary hypothyroidism in a cat”, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 85(6), 349-354. doi:
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