Multicentric B-cell lymphoma in a pygmy goat
- H. Versnaeyen
- I. Kolkman
- M. Van Aert
- S. Ribbens
- K. Chiers
- P. Deprez
- B. Pardon
A six-year-old, male pygmy goat was referred with a sudden onset of peripheral lymphadenopathy, which initially started as enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. Clinical examination showed swollen retropharyngeal, prescapular and inguinal lymph nodes. Serologic testing for bovine leukemia, caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus and caseous lymphadenitis was negative. Fine needle aspirates of the prescapular lymph nodes were taken and revealed multiple, large lymphoblastic cells on cytology. Because of the poor prognosis and clinical deterioration, the animal was euthanized. Full necropsy was performed and showed generalized lymphadenopathy. Further histological and immunohistochemical investigation of the lymph nodes characterized this neoplasia as a multicentric large B-cell lymphoma.
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