Case Report

Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia complicated with tension gastrothorax in a dog

  • L. Geerinckx
  • E. Van der Vekens
  • B. Van Goethem
  • J. H. Saunders


A ten-month-old, intact, male Cavalier King Charles spaniel was presented two months after an abdominal bite incident with inspiratory dyspnea and positional pain. A diaphragmatic herniation was suspected, based on absent lung- and cardiac sounds on auscultation of the left hemithorax. Radiography confirmed this but also showed the presence of severe tympany of a herniated stomach. This is called tension gastrothorax and is an immediate life-threatening complication of the herniation. Because of the progressive worsening of the cardiorespiratory condition of the patient and the inability to intubate the stomach, immediate surgical correction was necessary. A standardized surgical approach was used to reposition the stomach and close the hernia. There were no postoperative complications and one year after the surgery, the dog was still doing well.

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Published on
27 Oct 2016
Peer Reviewed