The effect of administering an oral electrolyte solution on acid-base balance and vitality of newborn Belgian Blue calves
- J. Huyghe
- V. Meganck
- M. Van Eetvelde
- G. Opsomer
In the present study, the effect was investigated of administering an oral electrolyte solution (Glutellac®) to newborn Belgian blue calves on their vitality, the acid-balance in the blood, and their passive immunity. Twenty newborn calves were incorporated in the study, of which ten were administered a placebo and ten were administered Glutellac®. Only three calves showed metabolic acidosis. The group, which was administered Glutellac®, showed a significant higher base excess at two hours (p < 0.05), six hours (p < 0.001) and twelve hours (p < 0.001) after birth. Clinically and in terms of IgG absorption capacity, there were no significant differences between both groups. In conclusion, it can be stated that the administration of Glutellac® to Belgian blue calves without metabolic acidosis immediately following birth by caesarean section beneficially influences the base excess.
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