Theme: hypercalcemia in cats

Clinical approach of feline hypercalcemia

  • E. Stock
  • D. Paepe
  • S. Daminet


An elevated total calcium concentration is an abnormality on feline blood examinations, and is frequentlyoverlooked. The most important causes of feline hypercalcemia are neoplasia, chronic kidneydisease and idiopathic hypercalcemia. In hypercalcemic cats, several diagnostic tests have to be performedin order to fi nd the underlying cause: a thorough physical examination, retroviral testing for felineleukemia virus and feline immunodefi ciency virus, complete blood count and serum chemistry profi le,the measurement of ionized calcium, urinalysis, thoracic (and abdominal) radiography, abdominal andcervical ultrasonography and the measurement of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone-relatedprotein. A logical and specifi c work-up is required to obtain a defi nitive diagnosis. Treatment is mainlyfocussed on the underlying disease.

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Published on
27 Feb 2013
Peer Reviewed