Case Report

An alternative for one lung ventilation in an adult horse requiring thoracotomy

  • M. Gozalo-Marcilla
  • S. Schauvliege
  • S. Torfs
  • M. Jordana


In order to provide one lung ventilation in an anesthetized adult horse undergoing thoracoscopy and exploratory thoracotomy, an alternative to the described techniques was developed using a homemade endobronchial blocker construction. An orifice (with a diameter of 1 cm) was made 15 cm distally to the proximal end of a standard 28 mm ID endotracheal tube (ETT) allowing the placement of a standard broncho-alveolar catheter. The adapted ETT was advanced up to the larynx in the anesthetized horse. Prior to the intubation of the trachea, the broncho-alveolar catheter was passed through the ETT and positioned into the left main bronchus under endoscopic guidance. If it would have been required, the cuff of the broncho-alveolar catheter could have been inflated, allowing OLV. However, one lung ventilation was not required during the surgical procedure.

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Published on
26 Apr 2012
Peer Reviewed