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Voordrachten: 'Grenzeloos Grieks. De omzwervingen van Griekse mensen, taal en cultuur'

De grote Griekse wereld van Kavafis

  • Hero Hokwerda


Classical Hellas and modern Ellada was and is only a small part of the great Greek world, i.e. the ellinismós as existing from Alexander the Great till well in the 20th century and part of which felt the Alexandrian poet Kavafis. This ‘hellenism’ (in the broad sense of the great Greek world) stayed in Roman centuries culturally dominant in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean, continued in christianised form as Byzantium, in Ottoman times as the Greek world with the Orthodox Church and the Fanariots and later, from around 1800, with the developing Greek commercial and bourgeois class outside Greece, esp. in cities as Constantinopel, Smyrna and Alexandria. As a poet Kavafis felt particularly committed to this long, time and again evolving tradition of ‘hellenism’ from Alexander the Great up to his own days.

How to Cite:

Hokwerda, H., (2023) “De grote Griekse wereld van Kavafis”, Tetradio 32(1): 3, 47–70. doi:

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