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Giorgio de Chirico’s fascinatie voor Ariadne als metafoor van de dionysische en artistieke scheppingskracht

  • Stefanie De Clercq


In his pictural work, de Chirico (1888 -1978) displays a great fascination for Ariadne. How¬ ever, only a particular part of the traditional myth associated with Ariadne fascinates de Chirico, notably her lying asleep on the shore of Naxos, waiting for the coming of Dionysus. This Ariadne of Naxos is the incarnation of the very core of de Chirico’s artistic poetics, since she symbolizes for him the metaphysical essence that he tries to awake in his paintings. This essence is constituted by three major caracteristics. Influenced by the philosophy of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, de Chirico conceives it as a sign, immanent and originary.

How to Cite:

De Clercq, S., (2002) “Giorgio de Chirico’s fascinatie voor Ariadne als metafoor van de dionysische en artistieke scheppingskracht”, Tetradio 11(1): 7, 163–188. doi:

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