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Enthousiasmos. Sociale aspecten van muziek in de klassieke oudheid

  • RenĂ© van Beek


In ancient Greece and Rome music played a very important role in daily life. At banquets and funerals, religious ceremonies and work, in battles and in the theatre, music was everywhere, mostly combined with singing and dancing. Ancient music had several sources of inspiration: sorrow, joy and enthousiasm. The difference between the serene music of Apollo and the orgiastic sounds of Dionysos becomes palpable in the different appreciations of the instruments lyra and aulos. Music was of paramount importance in education, as it was seen to contribute to the formation of a strong character. The combination of several sources (instruments, representations of music life on pottery, papyri with musical notation) makes it possible to get a glimpse of ancient music.

How to Cite:

van Beek, R., (2001) “Enthousiasmos. Sociale aspecten van muziek in de klassieke oudheid”, Tetradio 10(1): 5, 123–136. doi:

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