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Partnerkeuze bij Griekse migranten in Genk en in Brussel: tussen traditie en moderniteit

  • Panayota Mokos


The aim of the paper is to analyse on the one hand similarities between cultures and on the other hand differences within a culture, concerning the choice of a spouse. The Greek communities of Genk and Brussels were selected as research population. In this project 20 in depth interviews with first generation Greek respondents were conducted and analysed. Throughout these interviews data was collected from first generation migrants on how they selected their partner and on how their children selected their partner. From this research the following conclusions can be presented. First the traditional Greek partner choice resembles in general those of the Turkish, Moroccan and South-Italian communities. Secondly, within the Greek community there is a difference in patterns of partner choice between generations which is influenced by the place where they live. In Brussels there is no difference between generations whereas in Genk there is a difference in selection processes.

How to Cite:

Mokos, P., (2001) “Partnerkeuze bij Griekse migranten in Genk en in Brussel: tussen traditie en moderniteit”, Tetradio 10(1): 2, 41–60. doi:

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