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“Red, Heer, uw volk en zegen uw erfdeel”. Griekse orthodoxie en nationale identiteit

  • Bert Groen


This article looks at the ‘synergy’ between the national and the religious elements in Greece. Firstly, the position of Orthodoxy in Greek society and the close constitutional bonds between the Orthodox Church and the Greek State are examined. Special attention is paid to the views of the new Archbishop of Athens, Christodoulos. Secondly, the historical development of the link between Church and State or Nation is described. Thirdly, the position of other churches and religions in Greece and the issue of religious freedom are discussed. Fourthly, the Constantinople Patriarchate and its supranational self-consciousness are examined.

How to Cite:

Groen, B., (1999) ““Red, Heer, uw volk en zegen uw erfdeel”. Griekse orthodoxie en nationale identiteit”, Tetradio 8(1): 3, 37–54. doi:

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